How to import patients from Core Practice

Uploading your existing patient base can save time with the daily use of CoTreat. Firstly you'll need to export your patient list from Core Practice.

  1. In Core Practice click Marketing > Campaigns > Create Campaign
  2. Name the campaign and select Simple Query, Save Changes

  3. Click the campaign name

  4. New Run

  5. Set date range that would cover all of your patients, click Apply

  6. Create Batch
  7. click on the result date

  8. Download - this will download an Excel file containing your patients' information - we will only collect names, DOBs, gender discarding all other information

  9. In CoTreat click Settings ⚙ > Patients > +Import Patients

  10. Select Core Practice and drop your Excel file into the box

  11. Check the information is correct and click Import
    CoTreat will present a result screen showing the successful and failed imports - check your Excel file and correct any of the invalid items then upload the file again (only new records will be added on subsequent uploads)

  12. Note: Core Practice does not require a date of birth when creating a patient file - this will most likely be the reason for patients who fail to import.

    If you encounter any problems or issues please contact us for assistance

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