D4W Integration - Troubleshooter

If you experience issues with your Dental 4 Windows (D4W) and/or Centaur Media Suite (CMS) integration you can follow the steps below to understand and fix the issue. If the steps below fail to resolve the issue please contact us by clicking the Help icon in CoTreat.

  1. Check your integration status:
    1. Click Settings
    2. Click Integration
    3. Click Overview

If all integrations are operational and you are still not able to receive integrated data ask for Help using the Help icon. If you identify an integration issue proceed to Step 2.

  1. Check that your Dental 4 Windows PMS (D4W) and Centaur Media Suite (CMS) are running.
  2. If D4W and/or CMS are not running, use the start/stop interface to restart D4W and CMS

  1. To try and prevent his from happening:
    • Follow any recommendations provided by Centaur such as:
      • keeping your server computer on.
      • use the start/stop interface when restarting servers if they are switched off.

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