How to import patients from Exact

Uploading your existing patient base can save time with the daily use of CoTreat. Firstly, you'll need to export your patient list from Exact.

  1. In Exact click on Configure > Export Files 
  2. Select Patient information, set the destination for the file and click OK
    Exact will create a CSV file containing your patients’ information – we will collect names, DOBs, gender discarding all other information
  3. In CoTreat click Settings > Patients > + Import Patients
  4. Select Exact and drop your CSV file into the box
  5. Check the information is correct and click Import
  6. CoTreat will present a result screen showing the successful and failed imports - check your CSV file and correct any of the invalid items then upload the file again (only new records will be added on subsequent uploads) 
    If you encounter any problems or issues please contact us for assistance

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